A new approach in 1D and 2D 13C high-resolution solid-state NMR spectroscopy of paramagnetic organometallic complexes by very fast magic-angle spinning.

Novel 1D and multidimensional solid-state NMR (SSNMR) methods using very fast magic-angle spinning (VFMAS) (spinning speed > 20 kHz) for performing 13C high-resolution SSNMR of paramagnetic organometallic complexes are discussed. VFMAS removes a majority of 13C-1H and 1H-1H dipolar couplings, which are often difficult to remove by RF pulse techniques in paramagnetic complexes because of large paramagnetic shifts. In the first systematic approach using the unique feature of VFMAS for paramagnetic complexes, we demonstrate a means of obtaining well-resolved 1D and multidimensional 13C SSNMR spectra, sensitivity enhancements via cross polarization, and signal assignments, and applications of dipolar recoupling methods for nonlabeled paramagnetic organometallic complexes of moderate paramagnetic shifts ( approximately 800 ppm). Experimental results for powder samples of small nonlabeled coordination complexes at 1H frequencies of 400.2-400.3 MHz show that highly resolved 13C SSNMR spectra can be obtained under VFMAS, without requirements of 1H decoupling. Sensitivity enhancement in 13C SSNMR via cross polarization from 1H spins was demonstrated with an amplitude-sweep high-power CP sequence using strong RF fields ( approximately 100 kHz) available in the VFMAS probe. 13C CPMAS spectra of nonlabeled Cu(II)(dl-alanine)2.(H2O) and V(III)(acetylacetonate)3 (V(acac)3) show that it is possible to obtain high-resolution spectra for a small quantity ( approximately 15 mg) of nonlabeled paramagnetic organometal complexes within a few minutes under VFMAS. Experiments on Cu(II)(dl-alanine)2.(H2O) demonstrated that 1H-13C dipolar recoupling for paramagnetic organometal complexes can be performed under VFMAS by application of rotor-synchronous pi-pulses to 1H and 13C spins. The results also showed that signal assignments for 13CH, 13CH3, and 13CO groups in paramagnetic complexes are possible on the basis of the amount of 13C-1H dipolar dephasing induced by dipolar recoupling. Furthermore, the experimental 2D 13C/1H chemical-shift correlation NMR spectrum obtained for nonlabeled V(acac)3 exhibits well-resolved lines, which overlap in 1D 13C and 1H spectra. Signals for different chemical groups in the 2D spectrum are distinguished by the 13C-1H dipolar dephasing method combined with the 2D 13C/1H correlation NMR. The assignments offer information on the existence of nonequivalent ligands in the coordination complex in solids, without requiring a single-crystal sample.