This paper presents an algorithm that, given an integer n > 1, finds the largest integer k such that n is a kth power. A previous algorithm by the first author took time b 1+o(1) where b = Ign; more precisely, time b exp(O(lg b lg lg b)); conjecturally, time b(lg b) O(1) . The new algorithm takes time b(lg b) O(1) . It relies on relatively complicated subroutines-specifically, on the first author's fast algorithm to factor integers into coprimes-but it allows a proof of the b(lg b) O(1) bound without much background; the previous proof of b 1+o(1) relied on transcendental number theory. The computation of k is the first step, and occasionally the bottleneck, in many number-theoretic algorithms: the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena primality test, for example, and the number-field sieve for integer factorization.
Daniel J. Bernstein,et al.
Detecting perfect powers in essentially linear time
Math. Comput..
Daniel J. Bernstein,et al.
Factoring into coprimes in essentially linear time
J. Algorithms.
Jeffrey Shallit,et al.
Factor refinement
SODA '90.
Eric Bach,et al.
Sieve algorithms for perfect power testing
David S. Johnson,et al.
Proceedings of the First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 22-24 January 1990, San Francisco, California, USA
D. J. Bernstein.
Fast multiplication and its applications