Shift pitch wind turbine power curves Optimization

The present invention discloses a variable speed pitch wind turbine power curve optimization. Shift pitch wind turbine power curve proposed optimization method of the present invention is divided into nine steps, finally determined optimum power curve for a wind resource condition is determined based on the calculated capacity factor. The present invention provides a variable speed pitch wind turbine for, in the case where the wind turbine model is determined by optimizing the parameters of the control unit match the optimal variable speed pitch wind turbine power curve and the wind resource conditions, by a computer enumeration optimized design optimization method based on the maximum capacity coefficient optimum power curve. The essence of the invention is lower than the rated wind speed to achieve maximum power point tracking section Winds maximum capacity factor optimum power curve wind turbine based optimization method by optimizing the wind turbine pitch shift. The present invention solves the variable speed pitch wind turbine model for determining the optimal design under different conditions optimum power curve of the wind resource.