Thermocouple sensor is a sensor that is used for oil processing industries or steel, where the sensor is able to measure high temperatures to achieve the specifications of the material to be processed. Thermocouple sensors have a very small output voltage with a big noise, so we need a signal conditioner for thermocouple sensor output can be read by the controller where the controller is stable in use is ATMEGA8535. Furnace is a place used for either heating oil or steel materials, which typically use natural gas or coal. The Final Project was used simulate an electrical plant furnace as a heating medium which is more environmentally friendly and safety. Final Project aims to implement the use of thermocouple sensor for temperature control of the plant electrical furnace. Method of control used is the fuzzy method is used to adjust the size of the control signal to the heater so the temperature can be controlled. Parameters used in the fuzzy method is the error and error change. From the results of research conducted found that the sensor output signal conditioner thermocouple on the results obtained are quite good and stable. For the fuzzy control method is also able to produce a fairly good system response. Kata kunci : Logika Fuzzy, Mikrokontroler ATmega 8535, Sensor Thermocouple, Furnace