The use of RADARSAT-derived information to investigate oil slick occurrence in Campeche Bay, Gulf of Mexico

The Mexican oil company (Pemex) has in Campeche Bay (Gulf of Mexico) a well-established activity engaged with the oil and gas exploration and production industry. Because of the associated risk of petroleum pollution in this region, an archive containing 14,210 oil slicks (i.e. man-made oil spills and natural oil seeps) observed between 2000 and 2012 has been produced using RADARSAT-derived information. This database is used in the current study to reach the objective of investigating the oil slick occurrence in Campeche Bay. The evidence of the considerable influence of oil naturally seeping out of the Cantarell Oil Seep is shown. Even though the total number of oil seeps (n=6,202; 43.6%) is smaller than the observed oil spills (n=7,456; 52.5%), the total superficial area coverage of all oil seeps (31,447 km