Measurement of tear electrolyte concentration and turnover rate using a flexible conductimetric sensor.

Tear fluid conductivity was measured by a non-invasive method. A flexible 3 mm-wide conductimetric sensor was placed inside the human subjects temporal lower cul-de-sac (similar to Schirmer test strip), and used to evaluate electrolyte concentration and turnover rate in tear for normal, healthy subjects aged between 30 to 85 years in a normal, light indoor environment. The tear electrolyte concentration was calculated from tear conductivity to give a mean value of 297 mEq/l (S.D. 30 mEq/l; n = 29) which was consistently with previously reported values. Tear turnover rate was calculated by a single exponential equation of tear conductivity change, following the application to the eye-drops of 40.0 milligrams sodium chloride solution. The mean turnover rate was 44.2% per minute (S.D. = 13.3% per minute; n = 30), being in agreement with previously reported values.