Annonsplacering : Hur placeringen av annonser i artiklar kan optimeras för högre Click Through Rate

The web as an arena for news reporting and information sharing to consumers has grown for many years in the expense of the traditional newspapers. The revenue stream has however not followed the same transformation which has led to a remarkably lower profit when news and articles are distributed through the web. Banner advertising is a method that is commonly used by online magazines to generate profit where advertisers pay to expose their message. One method to measure banner ads effectivity, and indirectly, what the advertiser would pay, is through Click-Through Rate (CTR), how many clicks a banner ad receives in relation to the amount of banner views. One of the variables that play an important role in the banner ad effectivity is the placement of the banner ad. This study has investigated if CTR is affected depending on the banner ad placement. The click- and view tracking has been measured by the amount of click and views every tested banner ad received. The results of the measurement show that the both placement have received an equal CTR. This study shows that common believes regarding banner ad placement could be wrong and that the placement of banner ads needs to be evaluated continuously in relation to several variables to keep the effectivity of the banner ad. This study’s limited extent underlines that further research needs to be done to draw a complete conclusion and support the findings.