Desertification, a process of sustained decline of the biological productivity of arid and semi-arid land, is now at work in many parts of the West African Sahelian and Sudanian Zones (SSZ). This report discusses various aspects of the desertification process including the interaction between such variables as soil, rainfall and population growth. It also reviews past development efforts in relation to desertification and recommends several elements for a potential strategy in ameliorating the situation. These include modifying the design approach to the problem, implementing action programs, focusing research on drought-resistant crops, reducing demand on the environment and improving the policy situation. In conclusion, no significant change in carrying capacities for the environment is possible without a technological breakthrough. Locally, however, the desertification threat may be arrested by selecting appropriate anti-desertification actions and working with communities that are interested, and empowered, to use their land in a sustained-yield manner. Reducing the rapid growth of population is crucial, and current population pressures in the heartland need to be alleviated by further encouraging the existing spontaneous movement of people to the Sudano-Guinean zone.
Jacques Giri,et al.
Le Sahel demain : catastrophe ou renaissance?
Carl K. Eicher.
Facing Up to Africa’s Food Crisis
P. Felker.
State of the art : Acacia albida as a complementary permanent intercrop with annual crops
P. Pélissier.
L'arbre dans les paysages agraires de l'Afrique Noire in L'arbre en Afrique tropicale. La fonction et le signe.
Stephen Sandford,et al.
Management of Pastoral Development in the Third World
D. Felix.
World Development Report 1981. World Bank
M. Glantz.
Desertification: Environmental Degradation In And Around Arid Lands
P. Richards.
Ecological Change and the Politics of African Land Use
African Studies Review.
Jean-François Turenne.
Culture itinérante et jachère forestière en Guyane Evolution de la matière organique
J. Gilles.
Planning livestock development: Themes from indigenous systems
R. Repetto,et al.
The Role of Population in Resource Depletion in Developing Countries