Organizational behavior : the state of the science
Contents: E.A. Fleishman, J.N. Cleveland, Series Foreword. Preface. Part I:Individual Processes. S.G. Barsade, A.P. Brief, S.E. Spataro, The Affective Revolution in Organizational Behavior: The Emergence of a Paradigm. J.C. Quick, C.L. Cooper, D.L. Nelson, J.D. Quick, J.H. Gavin, Stress, Health, and Well-Being at Work. D. Eden, Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Organizations. Part II:Interpersonal Processes. B.R. Ragins, J.A. Gonzalez, Understanding Diversity in Organizations: Getting a Grip on a Slippery Construct. J.A. Colquitt, J. Greenberg, Organizational Justice: A Fair Assessment of the State of Literature. G.R. Ferris, F.R. Blass, C. Douglas, R.W. Kolodinsky, D.C. Treadway, Personal Reputation in Organizations. R.J. Bennett, S.L. Robinson, The Past, Present, and Future of Workplace Deviance Research. K.T. Dirks, J.M. Parks, Conflicting Stories: The State of the Science of Conflict. Part III:Cross-Level Themes. J.R. Edwards, Construct Validation in Organizational Behavior Research. H. Aguinis, C.A. Henle, The Search for Universals in Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior. Part IV:Commentary. E.A. Locke, Good Definitions: The Epistemological Foundation of Scientific Progress.