RV SONNE Fahrtbericht/Cruise Report SO268 - Assessing the Impacts of Nodule Mining on the Deep-sea Environment: NoduleMonitoring, Manzanillo (Mexico) – Vancouver (Canada), 17.02. – 27.05.2019

Cruise SO268 is fully integrated into the second phase of the European collaborative JPI-Oceans project MiningImpact and is designed to assess the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ). In particular, the cruise aimed at conducting an independent scientific monitoring of the first industrial test of a pre-protoype nodule collector by the Belgian company DEME-GSR. The work includes collecting the required baseline data in the designated trial and reference sites in the Belgian and German contract areas, a quantification of the spatial and temporal spread of the produced sediment plume during the trials as well as a first assessment of the generated environmental impacts. However, during SO268 Leg 1 DEME-GSR informed us that the collector trials would not take place as scheduled due to unresolvable technical problems. Thus, we adjusted our work plan accordingly by implementing our backup plan. This involved conducting a small-scale sediment plume experiment with a small chain dredge to quantify the spatial and temporal dispersal of the suspended sediment particles, their concentration in the plume as well as the spatial footprint and thickness of the deposited sediment blanket on the seabed.