Bank-to-Turn Guidance Law Using Lyapunov Function and Nonzero Effort Miss

Aguidancelawthatdirectly computesthepitchaccelerationandrollanglecommandsforBank-To-Turn missiles is presented. The nonzero effort miss is introduced, and a Lyapunov function is dee ned in terms of nonzero effort miss. Lyapunov’ s stability theorem is used to obtain a guidance law that completely eliminates the trigonometric polar conversion, which conversion is necessary when the guidance commands and the input to the pitch and the roll autopilots are given in different coordinate systems. When the new guidance law is used, the missile tends to maintain its acceleration command above a certain level during its e ight and thereby avoid a mathematical singularitythatariseswhenatrigonometricinversefunctionisusedtocomputetherollcommand. Arepresentative engagement scenario is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law. Numerical simulation results arecompared with previous results and with resultsobtained using a proportional navigation guidance law that uses a polar conversion.