OntoBench: Generating Custom OWL 2 Benchmark Ontologies

A variety of tools for visualizing, editing, validating, and documenting OWL ontologies have been developed in the last couple of years. The OWL coverage and conformance of these tools usually needs to be tested during development for evaluation and comparison purposes. However, in particular for the testing of special OWL concepts and concept combinations, it can be tedious to find suitable ontologies and test cases. We have developed OntoBench, a generator for OWL benchmark ontologies that can be used to test and compare ontology tools. In contrast to existing OWL benchmarks, OntoBench does not focus on scalability and performance but OWL coverage and concept combinations. Consistent benchmark ontologies are dynamically generated based on any combination of OWL 2 language constructs selected in a graphical user interface. OntoBench is available on GitHub and as a public service, making it easy to use the tool to generate custom benchmark ontologies and ontology fragments.