Impulsivity: Theory, assessment, and treatment.

Part I Perspectives: a clinical perspective on impulsivity, Webster, Jackson a legal perspective on the concept of "impulsivity", Ogloff a social psychological perspective on impulsivity - intimate violence as an example, Dutton a sociological perspective on impulsivity - some cautionary comments on the genesis of a clinical construct, Menzies a cybernautical perspective on impulsivity and addiction, Clark. Part II Foundations: the biopsychology of impulsivity - focus on brain serotonin, Coscina brain impairment in impulsive violence, Bowman impulsivity in adults - a critical review of measurement approaches, Parker, Bagby impulsivity in children and adolescents, Zaparniuk, Taylor impulsivity in major mental disorders, Coles impulsivity in DSM-IV impulse-control disorders, Hucker impulsivity and psychopathy, Hart, Dempster a conceptual model for the study of violence and aggression, Jackson. Part III Practice - assessment: assessing risk of violence to others, Webster, Douglas, Eaves, Hart assessing risk of suicide in correctional settings, Polvi assessing risk of violence in wife assaulters - the spousal assault risk assessment guide, Kropp, Hart assessing risk of sexual violence - guidelines for clinical practice, Boer, Wilson, Gauthier, Hart a guide for conducting risk assessments, Webster. Part IV Practice - treatment: mentally disordered offenders - what research says about effective service, Harris, Rice pharmacological approaches to impulsive and aggressive behaviour, Conacher a systems approach to the management of impulsive behaviour, Eaves, Tien, Wilson integrated support - a case approach to the management of impulsive people, Ryan a guide for creating treatment programmes.