Getting men involved in family planning: Experiences from an innovative program

This study was designed to determine the effect of interventions on accelerated proactive male involvement in family planning (FP) and factors influencing acceptance of male contraceptive methods. It was observed that a program can be successful if management cadres can be motivated and involved in the process. Other findings suggest the importance of education and communication materials, supply of information, orientation of fieldworkers, and mobilization of resources including hands-on refresher training. Misconceptions about male contraception (particularly vasectomy) are rampant in traditional Bangladeshi society, thus ideas should be positively expressed through visual aids. Among the various communications materials, at least one must be for service providers. According to this report, motivation is important in getting men involved in FP, as are efforts to create a male-friendly service delivery system at existing service delivery centers. Specially scheduled hours should be set aside for the provision of information and services to men, from the Health and Family Welfare Centers and at the community level.