A method to code shifting semiotic states in design

As of Dec 2013 there were over 2.8 Billion internet users using, sharing and collaborating over the internet. The rapid developments of the web are enabling us to share increasingly richer forms of media in more inventive and immediate ways. Consequently there is growing interest centred on the relationship between the media rich content of the internet, its users and design. Drawing heavily from the study of both experienced designers and novice participants the frontline field of architecture has long provided a fertile resource for design research. However the methods of data capture traditionally associated with design research in this field are not suited to capturing the information flow within the newer web-based environments. As such there is a need for an effective method which both captures and allows us to understand the flow of design meaning. To gain a better understanding we look to semiotics. The paper presented describes a formal method for applying semiotics to code the flow of design meaning when it occurs within these media rich online environments..