Innovate in your program computer class: an approach based on a serious game

Computers programming is one of the computer science disciplines which normally present high rates of student's dropout and retention. Literature points to several factors which contribute to dropouts and retentions. The difficulty in understanding abstract concepts and the current teaching method based on traditional lectures with low interaction between students generate low motivation and consequently the lack of interest in learning computer programming. Several approaches to overcome this problem have been used. Some of these approaches are based on the use and integration of technology in learning. The current generation has a natural acceptance for technology and the use of emerging technologies in education contributes significantly to an increased motivation in students. In order to help the increasing of motivation and the interest in learning programming in this paper we present a Web-based educational game. Through the use of this game, student learns, applying his knowledge while having fun playing. The game will be integrated and aligned with content and activities of the discipline. To facilitate this alignment and integration it was developed a methodology that will be described. It will also be described the evaluation methodology of the game.