Experimental and clinical urinary diversion.

In order to achieve an appropriate technical experience and explore clinical feasibility of laparoscopic urinary diversion, the authors planned a laboratory experiment. In ten male pigs weighing about 25 kilograms cystoprostatectomy was performed. Ureterocutaneostomy or ureterosigmoidostomy were carried out next. For ureterocutaneostomy a channel was bluntly dissected through the abdominal wall. The ureter was grasped by a clamp passed through the stroma, drawn outside and anstomosed to the skin. Operative time was about 30 minutes. For ureterosigmoidostomy a longitudinal incision of approximately 1 cm was made through the wall of the sigmoid colon in order to reach the mucosa. A very small opening in the angle of the incision was made. A suture was placed in the ureteral tip and secured to the colon wall. Finally, the ureter was covered in its bed with antireflux technique. Operative time was about 180 minutes. Laparoscopic ureterocutaneostomy was also successfully applied in a compromised patient to resolve a particular clinical situation.