Dynamical Oscillation and Propulsion of Magnetic Fields in the Convective Zone of a Star. IV. Eruption to the Surface

It was shown in the previous paper that the heat accumulating beneath the azimuthal field in the convective zone of the sun initiates a Rayleigh-Taylor instability, causing tongues of gas to intrude upward into the field. The present paper works out the conditions in an intruding tongue of gas, showing that it penetrates all the way through the field, emerging into the atmosphere above with a specific entropy significantly in excess of the ambient value. The entropy is large enough that the gas rises to the visible surface in 10 to the 6th s or less, where it produces a bipolar magnetic region. Once the eruption to the surface has carried away the accumulated hot gas below the field, there remains only the general downdraft which retracts the magnetic flux from the surface in a characteristic time of 10 to the 7th s. 57 references.