Culture, Gender, Race, and U.S. Labor History
Introduction U.S. Labor History: Movements and Leaders "To Fight This Thing Till I Die": The Career of George Edwin McNeill by Robert R. Montgomery "This is a Crusade!" Socialist Party Amnesty Campaigns to Free Eugene V. Debs, 1919-1921 by John Sherman A Path Not Taken: The Proletarian Party and the Early History of Communism in the United States by Allen Ruff Women in Labor History A "Society of Outsiders": Union W.A.G.E., Working-Class Feminism, and the Labor Movement by Rochelle Gatlin Ellen Gates Starr: Hull House Labor Activist by Jennifer Bosch African-American History Black Labor Conventions during Reconstruction by Eric Foner The History and Legacy of Mississippi Plantation Labor by Elizabeth Ann Sharpe Culture, Education, and the Working Class Legitimizing the Mass Media Structure: The Socialists and American Broadcasting, 1926-1932 by Nathan Godfried "Education for a New Social Order": The Ideological Struggle Over Workers' Education in the 1920s by Gloria Garrett Samson "A Voice From the Forecastle": R.H. Dana's Two Years Before the Mast by Horst Ihde Philip S. Foner at City College--Victim of the Rapp-Coudert Committee by Morris U. Schappes Selected Bibliography Index