Remade in America: Transplanting & Transforming Japanese Management Systems
Remade in .amerf ca: Transplanting & Transfonning Japanese .\Ianagemenl Sls terns. (japan Business and f.oonomics 5<ries). Edited 1»' jeffrey K. Liker; ~: ll'" Fruin. and Paul S. Adler. 1999. xew York : Oxford Uni\mity Press. 418 pages, This anthology presents management theories about the ability ofbusiness organizations totransfer japanese ~Ianufacturing Systems OlIS) tothe United SUI". The book is true to its claim in that it was writ ten for scholars interested in japanese business, engineering, and manufacturing management. The contributors have done an excellent job ofpreparing in-depth commentary, case studies, conceptual frameworks, and statistical studies to support their conclusions. In order to present the corporate culture the authors have modified the three levels of management as presented by Edgar H. SChein in The Corporale Culture: Suniral Guitk from artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions to shop floor production systems, factory organizations and management, and corporate structure and systems. In addition, the authors hawcreated a fourth layer called the "institutional environment" that deals with everything outside the corporate system. Data are derived from three different types oforganizations that have adqltedj~IS in the