Corpus linguistics and variation in English : theory and description
Joybrato Mukherjee and Magnus Huber: Introduction: Corpus linguistics and variation in English Gisle Andersen: Listenership in polylogic discourse Marina Bondi and Corrado Seidenari: and now I'm finally of the mind to say i hope the whole ship goes down...: Markers of subjectivity and evaluative phraseology in blogs Doris R. Dant: Using COCA to evaluate The Chicago Manual of Style's usage prescriptions Stefan Th. Gries: Corpus linguistics, theoretical linguistics, and cognitive/psycholinguistics: Towards more and more fruitful exchanges Hans Martin Lehmann and Gerold Schneider: Syntactic variation and lexical preference in the dative-shift alternation Michaela Mahlberg: The corpus stylistic analysis of fiction - or the fiction of corpus stylistics? Manfred Markus: How can Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary be used as a corpus? Miriam Meyerhoff: Uncovering hidden constraints in micro-corpora of contact Englishes Hagen Peukert: Hidden structures in English corpora Thomas Proisl: Automatically exploring lexical tendencies in English Paula Rodriguez-Abruneiras: Exemplifying constructions with for example and for instance as markers: A historical account Patricia Ronan: Modal would as a pragmatic softener in ICE Ireland Juhani Rudanko: "Talked the council out of adopting any resolution": On the transitive out of -ing construction in American English Edgar W. Schneider: Tracking the evolution of vernaculars: Corpus linguistics and earlier Southern US Englishes Stefania Spina: Methodological issues in a television news corpus: Discourse and annotation Michael Stubbs: Corpora and texts: Lexis and text structure Elizabeth Closs Traugott: On the persistence of ambiguous linguistic contexts over time: Implications for corpus research on micro-changes Turo Vartiainen and Jefrey Lijffijt: Premodifying -ing participles in the parsed BNC