Smart ammunition behavior in a virtual battlefield

To perform multi-sensors simulations, the French DGA/DET (Directorate for Technical Evaluation of the French Ministry of Defense) uses CHORALE (simulated Optronic Acoustic Radar battlefield). CHORALE enables the user to create virtual and realistic multi spectral 3D scenes, and generate the physical signal received by a sensor, typically an IR sensor. This article presents how the expertise is made to evaluate smart ammunition with laser guidance in a virtual battlefield with the environment CHORALE and the workshop AMOCO. The scene includes background, targets, a laser to designate and ammunition. The laser source is reflected by a target in the battlefield and the laser receiver is linked with ballistics model and guidance model via a simulation framework. Each tool is explained to understand the physics phenomena in the scene to take into account atmospheric transmission, radiative parameters of objects and counter-measure devices. Then numeric models are described as the different ballistics models 3 DOF or 6 DOF, sensor model. The step of ballistics calculation gives the cadence of the global simulation through the simulation framework. The 4 quadrants sensor provides gap between the center of optical way and the barycentre of the spot on the sensitive surface computed by a spot weighted method. These data are provided to the guidance and ballistics model to calculate a new position and a new view of the scene with the designated target in the field view. Finally, this paper explains some results of the evaluation compared with the true behavior after tests on proving ground. Then future evolutions are presented to perform similar evaluation with other intelligent ammunition in a real-time model.

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