Qualidade microbiológica de leite cru refrigerado e fatores associados
In order to investigate the microbiological conditions of raw milk and some factors that influence its quality, 31 dairy farms of municipality of Marechal Cândido Rondon were evaluated. Analyses of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms, coliforms at 35oC, thermotolerant coliforms and fungi and yeasts were accomplished. The following issues were evaluated: type of milking management, cleaning of utensils, separation of animals in batches during milking, teat washing and use of pre and post dipping disinfectant solution. The results showed that 25.8% (for aerobic mesophilic) and 19.35% (for coliforms at 35°C) of the analyzed samples had their counting above the actual legislation standard and 58.06% of the samples were contaminated with thermotolerant coliforms. It was verified that 64.51% of samples had fungi and yeasts counting above 100 UFC/mL. There were failures at hygiene and cleaning procedures in all dairy farms. Severe regulatory policies must be adopted for this kind of product aiming a food safety warranty to the customer.