Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness
These proceedings contain the papers selected for presentation at the Second International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness, hosted by ACM SIGSPATIAL and held in conjunction with the18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010).
With the increasing deployment of location-based services, geographic information systems, and ubiquitous computing, we are witnessing a need to consider indoor spaces in addition to the traditional outdoor spaces. Indoor spaces exhibit a highly relevant third dimension; they may have privately regulated access restrictions; they are relatively uniform and lack global landmarks; they feature special indoor positioning systems; and their representations are often poorly integrated with those of outdoor spaces.
New theories, data models, and systems are needed in order to provide integrated, seamless services across all spaces. For this reason, research has begun to extend the scope of location-based services and GIS to indoor spaces, with the objective of supporting indoor orientation and navigation services, emergency management, indoor space management, 3D cadastre, etc.
This workshop brought together researchers, developers, and practitioners carrying out research and development related to indoor spatial awareness, and it provided a forum for interdisciplinary discussion of diverse aspects of indoor spatial awareness. The full-paper peer-reviewed papers concern roughly two aspects of indoor spatial awareness: indoor positioning and navigation, and modeling of indoor spaces. In addition to the selected papers the program also featured invited talks to each of these themes. Lars Kulik from the University of Melbourne, Australia, presented an overview of several recent research projects in active indoor environments, and keynote speaker Ben Kuipers from University of Michigan, USA, talked about the use of ontologies in spatial exploration and mapping. The combined program made for a thought-provoking, inspiring workshop that offered ample opportunities for the exchange of ideas.