Discourse and technology : multimodal discourse analysis
1. Multimodal Discourse Analysis as the Confluence of Discourse and TechnologyRon Scollon and Philip LeVine 2. Ten Reasons Why Linguists Should Pay Attention to Visual CommunicationTheo Van Leeuwen 3. The Problem of Context in Computer Mediated CommunicationRodney H. Jones 4. "The Way to Write a Phone Call": Multimodality in Novices' Use and Perceptions of Interactive Written Discourse (IWD)Angela Goddard 5. Trying on Voices: Using Questions to Establish Authority, Identity, and Recipient Design in Electronic DiscourseBoyd Davis and Peyton Mason 6. Mock Taiwanese-Accented Mandarin in the Internet Community in Taiwan: The Interaction between Technology, Linguistic Practice, and Language IdeologiesHsi-Yao Su 7. Materiality in Discourse: The Influence of Space and Layout in Making MeaningIngrid de Saint-Georges 8. The Multimodal Negotiation of Service EncountersLaurent Filliettaz 9. Multimodal Discourse Analysis: A Conceptual FrameworkSigrid Norris 10. Files, Forms, and Fonts: Mediational Means and Identity Negotiation in Immigration InterviewsAlexandra Johnston 11. Modalities of Turn-Taking in Blind/Sighted Interaction: Better to Be Seen and Not Heard?Elisa Everts 12. "Informed Consent" and Other Ethical Conundrums in Videotaping InteractionsElaine K. Yakura 13. The Moral Spectator: Distant Suffering in September 11th Live FootageLilie Chouliaraki 14. Ethnography of Language in the Age of Video: "Voices" as Multimodal Constructions in Some Contexts of Religious and Clinical AuthorityJoel Kuipers 15. Multimodality and New Communication TechnologiesCarey Jewitt 16. Origins: A Brief Intellectual and Technological History of the Emergence of Multimodal Discourse AnalysisFrederick Erickson 17. Studying WorkscapesMarilyn Whalen and Jack Whalen with Robert Moore, Geoff Raymond, Margaret Szymanski, and Erik Vinkhuyzen