Towards a Positive Assessment Policy for Computer and Console Games
The emergence of new media tends to trigger moral panics, quite often leading to overreactions within political systems. Such an overreaction can currently be observed in some European countries in connection with a legal ban of violent video games. In contrast to these countries, Austrian youth policy makers have decided to follow a path of positive assessment for computer and console games rather than rigid legislative regulations. In implementing this strategy, two research studies were carried out. The first discussed scenarios for a public authority providing information on quality computer and console games. The second study analysed the acceptance of a quality seal for games. In this paper we discuss these studies. In addition, we outline continuing research carried out to improve and refine the process of assessment as well as the information and communication process between the authorities and the parents, children and youngsters.
[1] Stanley H. Cohen. Folk Devils and Moral Panics , 1972 .
[2] Henry Jenkins. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide , 2006 .