Chapter 21 Breakage in granulation

[1]  Don W. Green,et al.  Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook , 2007 .

[2]  Colin Grant,et al.  7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: A Review , 2005 .

[3]  Michael J. Hounslow,et al.  Kinetics of fluidised bed melt granulation V : Simultaneous modelling of aggregation and breakage , 2005 .

[4]  M. Adams,et al.  An experimental study of the impact breakage of wet granules , 2005 .

[5]  Michael J. Hounslow,et al.  Kinetics of fluidised bed melt granulation III: Tracer studies , 2005 .

[6]  M. Hounslow,et al.  Modelling fragment size distribution using two-parameter Weibull equation , 2004 .

[7]  Mojtaba Ghadiri,et al.  Analysis of impact damage of agglomerates: effect of impact angle , 2004 .

[8]  Mojtaba Ghadiri,et al.  Effect of granule morphology on breakage behaviour during compression , 2004 .

[9]  Colin Thornton,et al.  How do agglomerates break , 2004 .

[10]  D. A. Gorham,et al.  Descriptive classification of the impact failure modes of spherical particles , 2004 .

[11]  Gavin K. Reynolds,et al.  An experimental study of the variability in the properties and quality of wet granules , 2004 .

[12]  S. Simons,et al.  Predicting the Performance of Granulation Binders Through Micro‐Mechanistic Observations , 2004 .

[13]  M. Adams,et al.  Modelling collisions of soft agglomerates at the continuum length scale , 2004 .

[14]  Gavin K. Reynolds,et al.  Non-uniformity of binder distribution in high-shear granulation , 2004 .

[15]  Gavin K. Reynolds,et al.  Impact deformation and rebound of wet granules , 2004 .

[16]  Michael J. Hounslow,et al.  Development of a predictive high-shear granulation model , 2003 .

[17]  S. Simons,et al.  Hardness of moist agglomerates in relation to interparticle friction, capillary and viscous forces , 2003 .

[18]  Vincent Girard,et al.  Granule breakage phenomena in a high shear mixer; influence of process and formulation variables and consequences on granule homogeneity , 2003 .

[19]  Mojtaba Ghadiri,et al.  Effect of the impact angle on the breakage of agglomerates: a numerical study using DEM , 2003 .

[20]  D. A. Gorham,et al.  Impact breakage of fertiliser granules , 2003 .

[21]  M. Ghadiri,et al.  Effect of structural characteristics on impact breakage of agglomerates , 2003 .

[22]  Mehrdji Hemati,et al.  Fluidized bed coating and granulation: influence of process-related variables and physicochemical properties on the growth kinetics , 2003 .

[23]  M. Adams,et al.  Effects of wetting hysteresis on pendular liquid bridges between rigid spheres , 2003 .

[24]  James D. Litster,et al.  The importance of wet-powder dynamic mechanical properties in understanding granulation , 2003 .

[25]  Brian Scarlett,et al.  Breakage behaviour of enzyme granules in a repeated impact test , 2003 .

[26]  S. Iveson,et al.  The dynamic strength of partially saturated powder compacts: the effect of liquid properties , 2002 .

[27]  G. Meesters,et al.  Determining granule strength as a function of moisture content , 2002 .

[28]  James D. Litster,et al.  Liquid distribution as a means to describing the granule growth mechanism , 2002 .

[29]  M. Ghadiri,et al.  Breakage patterns of agglomerates , 2001 .

[30]  P. Knight Structuring agglomerated products for improved performance , 2001 .

[31]  Michael J. Hounslow,et al.  Tracer studies of high‐shear granulation: I. Experimental results , 2001 .

[32]  Michael J. Hounslow,et al.  Tracer studies of high‐shear granulation: II. Population balance modeling , 2001 .

[33]  B. J. Ennis,et al.  Nucleation, growth and breakage phenomena in agitated wet granulation processes: a review , 2001 .

[34]  James N. Michaels,et al.  Mechanical properties of agglomerates , 2001 .

[35]  S. Simons,et al.  Hardness of moist agglomerates in relation to interparticle friction, granule liquid content and nature , 2001 .

[36]  Torben Schæfer,et al.  Growth mechanisms in melt agglomeration in high shear mixers , 2001 .

[37]  Brahmeshwar Mishra,et al.  Impact breakage of particle agglomerates , 2001 .

[38]  Mojtaba Ghadiri,et al.  Attrition of granular solids in a shear cell , 2000 .

[39]  C. Thornton,et al.  Impact behaviour of elastoplastic spheres with a rigid wall , 2000 .

[40]  Doraiswami Ramkrishna,et al.  Population Balances: Theory and Applications to Particulate Systems in Engineering , 2000 .

[41]  Jpk Seville,et al.  An investigation of the effects on agglomeration of changing the speed of a mechanical mixer , 2000 .

[42]  Colin Thornton,et al.  Numerical simulations of impact breakage of a spherical crystalline agglomerate , 2000 .

[43]  A. A. Adetayo,et al.  A new approach to modeling granulation processes for simulation and control purposes , 2000 .

[44]  Torsten Gröger,et al.  Impact crushing of concrete for liberation and recycling , 1999 .

[45]  Colin Thornton,et al.  Effect of interface energy on the impact strength of agglomerates , 1999 .

[46]  Colin Thornton,et al.  Numerical simulations of agglomerate impact breakage , 1999 .

[47]  H. Kristensen,et al.  Growth mechanisms in melt agglomeration with a low viscosity binder. , 1999, International journal of pharmaceutics.

[48]  Torben Schæfer,et al.  Effects of binder rheology on melt agglomeration in a high shear mixer , 1998 .

[49]  A. Tsutsumi,et al.  Multi-component granulation in a fast fluidized bed , 1998 .

[50]  Mojtaba Ghadiri,et al.  Disintegration of weak lactose agglomerates for inhalation applications , 1998 .

[51]  James D. Litster,et al.  Liquid-bound granule impact deformation and coefficient of restitution , 1998 .

[52]  James D. Litster,et al.  Fundamental studies of granule consolidation. Part 2 : Quantifying the effects of particle and binder properties , 1998 .

[53]  C. Thornton,et al.  A theoretical model for the stick/bounce behaviour of adhesive, elastic-plastic spheres , 1998 .

[54]  M. Hounslow,et al.  An investigation into the kinetics of liquid distribution and growth in high shear mixer agglomeration , 1998 .

[55]  P. Vonk,et al.  Scale-down of a high-shear pelletisation process: flow profile and growth kinetics , 1998 .

[56]  Sotiris E. Pratsinis,et al.  Agglomeration behaviour of powders in a Lödige mixer granulator , 1998 .

[57]  P. Mort,et al.  Critical parameters and limiting conditions in binder granulation of fine powders , 1997 .

[58]  H. Vromans,et al.  Growth mechanisms of high-shear pelletisation , 1997 .

[59]  K. M Djamarani,et al.  Characterization of particle size based on fine and coarse fractions , 1997 .

[60]  P. C. Knight,et al.  An investigation into the effects of binder viscosity on agglomeration behaviour , 1997 .

[61]  K. Miyanami,et al.  Scale-Up of Agitation Fluidized Bed Granulation. V. Effect of Moisture Content on Scale-Up Characteristics , 1997 .

[62]  Michael J. Hounslow,et al.  Aggregation during Precipitation from Solution: A Method for Extracting Rates from Experimental Data , 1996 .

[63]  Torben Schæfer,et al.  Melt pelletization in a high shear mixer. VIII. Effects of binder viscosity , 1996 .

[64]  James D. Litster,et al.  Fundamental studies of granule consolidation Part 1: Effects of binder content and binder viscosity , 1996 .

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