Optimal forming zone length in continuous extrusion of lead-clad glass fiber wire

Forming zone length (FZL) is a key parameter of the lead-clad glass fiber extrusion dies, and an unsuitable FZL will lead to breakage of the glass fiber and/or unacceptable geometric and metallographic qualities of the product. The optimal FZL was determined theoretically based on a mathematical model established by upper bound method, and accepted Pb-GF wire was actually obtained experimentally by symmetric side-feed extrusion at a much lower temperature than that published before. The wire has features of fine grains, uniform diameter, good coaxiality and satisfied mechanical property. The results and conclusions obtained in the research can be used to design the forming tools for lead-clad glass fiber extrusion and have significance to further research on the extrusion of other complex wires of metal-clad brittle core.