Diagnóstico rápido de citomegalovirus (CMV) en pacientes inmunocomprometidos mediante anticuerpos monoclonales que reconocen proteinas precoces virales

A technique was applied to detect early fluorescent antigens (DEFA) of cytomegalovirus (CMV) using the E13 monoclonal antibodies in 52 immunocompromised patients hospitalized in the Nephrology Institute of Havana. Of the 75 urine or blood (buffy coat) samples taken, 15 were found positive to CMV. Using classical diploide human fibroblast isolation technique, 12 CMV strains were isloation of previously detected positive samples by DEFA. In addition, CMV was isolated from one sample reported to be negative by DEFA. A coincidence of 80% was found between both techniques. With the ELISA test, all the sample studied have IgG antibodies to CMV.