The ultimate aim when designing an assembly system is to make it strategically and operationally competitive.
Competitive systems for manufacturing, especially assembly systems, have to cope with frequent changes of
demands. The aim to have a short response time to customer demand, e.i. mass customization, requires
assembly systems that are reliable, have high availability and have ability to produce the right product correctly.
This means a combination of short resetting time and ability to vary the systems output of products. A major
challenge is to minimize the lead-time that directly has influence on order-to-delivery time, while maintaining
product flexibility and robustness to absorb late market changes. Given that the assembly system is working the
way it is supposed to do, the order-to-delivery time is directly dependant on the setup time and the operation
time. The problem is that automated assembly systems have a low availability due to that technical equipment
does not work, caused by lack of knowledge, breakdowns, limited ability to perform the operation etc. This
often leeds to that when a company needs variant flexibility they keep the assembly system tasks manual.
Totally manual assembly system is not the future for competitiveness. Therefore we need to develop assembly
systems that are available and have product flexibility to absorb late market changes, and still have a short
order-to delivery time. This paper focuses on the level of automation and is a contribution to future evaluation
of how technical solutions either support or work counter to proactivity. The result is a model for evaluation of
technical solutions contribution to proactivity
This paper describes a model for assessment of technology and assembly system solutions that fulfil
requirements for a proactive assembly system. Criteria for proactivity in different technical solutions of
assembly system are reviewed.
M R Endsley,et al.
Level of automation effects on performance, situation awareness and workload in a dynamic control task.
Johan Stahre,et al.
Analysing changeability and time parameters due to levels of Automation in an assembly system
Johan Stahre,et al.
Characteristic of a Proactive Assembly System
Mica R. Endsley,et al.
The Out-of-the-Loop Performance Problem and Level of Control in Automation
Hum. Factors.
Mauro Onori,et al.
Evolvable Assembly Systems : A New Paradigm?
Helmut Bley,et al.
Appropriate Human Involvement in Assembly and Disassembly
Johan Stahre,et al.
Proactive assembly systems-realising the potential of human collaboration with automation
Annu. Rev. Control..
M. Onori,et al.
An architecture development approach for evolvable assembly systems
(ISATP 2005). The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning: From Nano to Macro Assembly and Manufacturing, 2005..
Johan Stahre,et al.
Measuring and analysing Levels of Automation in an assembly system
P. Drucker.
Management Challenges for the 21st Century