IRIM at TRECVID 2010: High Level Feature Extraction and Instance Search

The IRIM group is a consortium of French teams working on Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval. This paper describes our participation to the TRECVID 2010 semantic indexing and instance search tasks. For the semantic indexing task, we evaluated a number of different descriptors and tried different fusion strategies, in particular hierarchical fusion. The best IRIM run has a Mean Inferred Average Precision of 0.0442, which is above the task median performance. We found that fusion of the classification scores from different classifier types improves the performance and that even with a quite low individual performance, audio descriptors can help. For the instance search task, we used only one of the example images in our queries. The rank is nearly in the middle of the list of participants. The experiment showed that HSV features outperform the concatenation of HSV and edge histograms or the wavelet feature.