Postgraduate education and training in the social sciences : processes and products

Introduction, Robert C. Burgess. Part 1 The process of supervision: "a necessary duty?" Motives and meanings amongst PhD supervisors, John Hockey, Christopher Pole and Robert Burgess Free range or battery laid - doing a PhD in three social sciences, Odette Parry, Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont for better or for worse - research students and their supervisors, Sandra Acker, Edith Black and Tim Hill. Part 2 Issues of quality: supervisors and students perceptions of social science research courses, Michael Youngman the development of writing skills in doctoral research students, M. Torrance, G.V. Thomas, and E.J. Robinson quality in the PhD - points at which quality may be assessed, Estelle M. Phillips. Part 3 Completion and employment: social science research degrees - completion times and rates, David Dunkerly and Jeffrey Weeks the labour market for doctoral social scientists, Richard Pearson, Ian Seccombe, Geoffrey Pike and Helen Connor training in quantitative methods for postgraduate social scientists - the view for the other side of the fence, Martin Bulmer, Aubrey McKennell and Cheryl Shconhardt-Bailey.