Readout device processing electronics for IR linear and focal plane arrays

Silicon read-out devices with input direct injection and buffered direct injection circuits and charge coupled devices (CCD) multiplexers to be used with n+-p- or p+-n-photovoltaic (PV) multielement arrays were designed, manufactured and tested in T equals 77-300 K temperature temperature region. Into these read-out devices were incorporated the testing switches which attach the sources of direct injection transistors to the common load resistors to imitate the output signal of mercury cadmium telluride photodiodes. The silicon read-out devices for 2 X 64 n+-p- or p(superscript +n- linear arrays and n(superscript +-p-2 X 4 X 128 time delay and integration arrays with skimming and partitioning functions were manufactured by n- or p-channel MOS technology with buried channel CCD register. The designed CCD readout devices are driven with four- or two-phase clock pulses.