Integrated Composite Analyzer (ICAN): Users and programmers manual

Abstract : This manual describes the use of and relevant equations programmed in a computer code designed to carry out a comprehensive linear analysis of multilayered fiber composites. The analysis contains the essential features required to effectively design structural components made from fiber composites. The program is an outgrowth of two in-house computer codes, MFCA (Multilayered Filamentary Composite Analysis) and INHYD (Intraply Hybrid Composite Design). The inputs to the code are constituent material properties, factors reflecting the fabrication process, and composite geometry. The code performs micromechanics, macromechanics, and laminate analysis, including the hygrothermal response of fiber composites. The code outputs are the various ply and composite properties, composite structural response, and composite stress analysis results with details on failure. The code is in Fortran IV and can be used efficiently as a package in complex structural analysis programs. The input-output format is described extensively through the use of a sample problem. The code manual consists of two parts. The mechanics for using the code are described in the first part, the pertinent equations programmed in the code are described in the second part.