Advances in Generalization and Decoupling of Software Parts in a Scientific Simulation Workflow System

Scientific simulation workflows today consist of a pool of simulation models of different domains that are linked together. In the past this was often done with highly specific connections between the simulation models, e. g., batch-scripts or use of commercial integrated systems prescribing certain procedures. This strong coupling led to several problems like the non-reusability of a simulation model in other contexts or other software environments. To address this situation a concept called Chameleon was developed to provide a general decoupled approach between the models. The separation of concerns principle was applied to disconnect the models, their data and a underlying simulation framework as clearly as possible. The Chameleon ideas have been realized on top of the integration frameworks ModelCenter and Remote Component Environment. The feasibility and the advantages of this concept will be pointed out in this paper. After discussing our experiences with drawbacks and merits of the currently used commercial framework and the transition to an open-source framework we give an outlook on future topics, which are relevant for a simulation software integration in scientific collaboration on a daily basis.