The Strategic Middle Manager: How to Create and Sustain Competitive Advantage

Part One: The New Middle Management Imperative. 1. Leadership from the Middle: The Changing Demands of Middle Management Work. 2. Competing on Capabilities: The Middle Manager's Role in Leveraging Knowledge and Skills. 3. Realigning Resources and Talent: The Challenge of Organizational Restructuring. Part Two: The New Strategic Roles for Middle Managers. 4. Strategy from the Middle Out. 5. Championing: The Discovery and Proposal of Innovative Initiatives. 6. Synthesizing: Advancing Shared Strategic Understanding. 7. Facilitating: Nurturing Adaptability and Setting the Stage for Renewal. 8. Implementing: Inducing the Vision and Making It Real. Part Three: Unleashing the Power in the Middle. 9. The Challenge of Executive Leadership. 10. Becoming a Strategic Middle Manager. Resources: The Strategic Consensus Questionnaire A Self-Test of Middle Management Strategic Involvement.