A Study of the FEM Forming Analysis of the Al Power Forging Piston

Powder metallurgy processes are used to form Net-Shape products and have been widely used in the production of automobile parts to improve its manufacture productivity. Powder-forging technology is being developed rapidly because of its economic merits and because of the possibility of reducing the weight of automobile parts by replacing steel parts with aluminum ones, in particular while manufacturing automotive parts. In the powder-forging process, the products manufactured by powder metallurgy are forged in order to remove any pores inside them. Powderforging technology can help expand the applications of powder metallurgy; this is possible because powder-forging technology enables the minimization of flashes, reduction of the number of stages, and possible grain refinement. At present, powder forging is widely used for manufacturing primary mechanical parts as in combination with the technology of powder forging of aluminum alloy pistons.