User Based Intelligent Adaptation of Five in a Row Game for Android Based on the Data from the Front Camera

Playing games on mobile phones is very popular nowadays. Many people prefer logic games such as chess, five in a row, checkers etc. This work aspires to come up with a concept of such game, in which the user will not have to deal with setting the opponent’s difficultness – the application will automatically optimize itself. In order to that it will use a shot acquired by the front camera and suitable algorithms of a computer vision. On the smartphone front camera shots these algorithms are able not only to recognize a human face, but as well to estimate an indication about the particular person (for example age, sex, mood). This work brings the concept and an implementation of the game five in a row for Android mobile platform. The paper suggests an applicable algorithm coming out of a Minimax method with its own evaluating function. To design this function there are utilized genetic algorithms – precisely a tournament selection method. Therefore the result of this work is a concrete algorithm of the opponent in the game five in a row implemented into the Android application, which optimizes itself to the user according to the data from the smartphone front camera.