Printing Telegraph Systems
This paper describes the Creed, Murray Automatic, Siemens & Halske, Baudot and American Multiplex Printing Telegraph Systems, and their methods of operation. A discussion of the operating features of the systems described is dealt with under the following headings:- Accuracy Under this heading it is shown that printing systems are more accurate than Morse working and that the printing system which permits of sufficient time for checking of messages is likely to be the most accurate. Speed of Service. It is shown wherein the multiplex systems are superior to the high-speed systems. Operator Output. Under this heading reference is made to actual results, both at home and abroad. Maintenance. Outlines method proposed for detecting incipient faults in apparatus and securing uninterrupted service. Line Economies. The advantages of using the five-unit code are discussed. Flexibility. Examples are given of the flexibility of multiplex systems in linking up a number of cities, by means of forking repeaters, thereby resulting in either line or operator economies.