Education and Training Relating to Hazardous Wastes in Germany
The aim of a study undertaken in Germany was to provide a comprehensive picture and a comparative analysis of existing and planned education and training facilities in relation to hazardous wastes, and to identify educational and training needs of personnel working at hazardous waste facilities or involved in the transportation of hazardous wastes. The educational level of management and supervisory personnel is high. Most operatives have completed little more than basic schooling and have not received any prior training in the handling of hazardous wastes. Training provision varies considerably between works. A high proportion of training is undertaken in-house by training-on-the-job. The educational background of most drivers of hazardous wastes (road transport) is limited to basic school education. A special certificate is necessary for drivers. Most training relates to hazardous substances in general and there is only little training relating to the specific problems of hazardous wastes.