This report presents the OO-H solution to the Conference Review System case study proposed in the IWWOST’01. We first introduce the main concepts of OO-H. We then perform an analysis of the case study, and establish the functional requirements each actor’s interface should fulfil. We also present the UML use-case and class diagrams that constitute the basis on which OO-H defines its own models. Next, following the OO-H notation, we present the interface navigation model for each actor of the system. We also briefly illustrate how these models are transformed into an XML specification that feeds a model compiler, capable of generating an operative version of the modelled interface. 1.A brief introduction to OO-H The OO-H (Object Oriented Hypermedia) Method is a generic model, based on the object oriented paradigm, that provides the designer with the semantics and notation necessary for the development of web-based interfaces and its connection with previously existing application logic modules. OO-H defines a set of diagrams, techniques and tools that shape a sound approach to the modelling of web interfaces. The OO-H proposal includes: a Design Process a Pattern Catalog a Navigation Access Diagram (NAD) an Abstract Presentation Diagram (APD) a CASE tool that allows to automate the development of web applications In this paper we will focus on the views OO-H defines to extend those provided by ‘traditional software’ production environments, namely (1) the Navigational Access Diagram (NAD), that defines a navigation view, and (2) the Abstract Presentation Diagram (APD), that gathers the concepts related to abstract presentation. The NAD diagram enriches the domain view provided in the UML [5] use-cases and class diagrams with navigation and interaction features. Also, to define navigation and visualization constraints, OO-H uses the Object Constraint Language (OCL [6]), a subset of the standard UML that allows software developers to write constraints over object models. OO-H associates such constraints to the NAD models by means of filters, that will be explained below. On the other hand, the definition of abstract pages in the APD is based on a set of XML DTD’s [1]. Both the NAD and the APD capture