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P. J. Clark,et al.
Distance to Nearest Neighbor as a Measure of Spatial Relationships in Populations
Harold R. Weaver.
Fire As An Ecological and Silvicultural Factor in the Ponderosa-Pine Region of the Pacific Slope
E. C. Pielou.
A single mechanism to account for regular, random and aggregated populations.
A. Watt,et al.
Pattern and process in the plant community
Norbert Wiener,et al.
The human use of human beings - cybernetics and society
Chris C. Park,et al.
The Tropical Rain Forest
H. Thompson.
Distribution of Distance to Nth Neighbour in a Population of Randomly Distributed Individuals
G. Pearson.
Management of Ponderosa Pine in the Southwest.
Charles F. Cooper,et al.
Changes in Vegetation, Structure, and Growth of Southwestern Pine Forests since White Settlement
G. Pearson.
Forest Types in the Southwest as Determined by Climate and Soil