Multiliteracies in world language education
Foreword Hilary Janks Preface Chapter 1: Advancing Multiliteracies in World Language Education Yuri Kumagai and Ana Lopez-Sanchez Part I: Designing Multiliteracies Curricula Chapter 2: Developing Multiliteracies through Genre in the Beginner German Classroom Mackenzie Warren and Claudia Winkler Chapter 3: Redesigning the Intermediate Level of the Spanish Curriculum through a Multiliteracies Lens Ana Lopez-Sanchez Chapter 4: Multiliteracies and Multimodal Discourses in the Foreign Language Classroom Christine Sagnier Chpater 5: Reading Words to Read Worlds: A Genre-based Critical Multiliteracies Curriculum in Intermediate/Advanced Japanese Language Education Yuri Kumagai and Noriko Iwasaki Part II: Implementing Multiliteracies-based Projects Chapter 6: Fostering Multimodal Literacies in the Japanese Language Classrooms: Digital Video Projects Yuri Kumagai, Keiko Konoeda, Miyuki Nishimata (Fukai), and Shinji Sato Chapter 7: Implementing Multiliteracies in the Korean Classroom through Visual Media Lucien Brown, Noriko Iwasaki, and Keunyoung Lee Chapter 8: Empowering Students in the Italian Classroom to Learn Vocabulary through a Multiliteracies Framework Barbara Spinelli Chapter 9: Creating an Effective Learning Environment in an Advanced Chinese Language Course through Film, Poster Presentation, and Multiliteracies Sujane Wu Afterword Ana Lopez-Sanchez and Yuri Kumagai List of Contributors Index