Formatively evaluating the importance of different aspects of an electronic blood transfusion system from the end users' point of view: a questionnaire study
Blood transfusion is a process in which potential errors may result in serious adverse events to patients. To help improve the safety and efficiency of the blood transfusion process an electronic clinical transfusion management system is being piloted by NHS Connecting for Health. Evaluation of the implementation is being carried out in parallel. One component of the evaluation project aims to assess the importance placed in the various potential benefits of this new system by patients and healthcare workers. A questionnaire was generated and completed by healthcare workers and patients. Results indicate respondents viewing all factors as at least "important". "System" factors were deemed most important. Overall, clinical workers expressed the lowest importance to new process factors. Ultimately these results will be measured against final satisfaction with the system to assess 'fit' between perceived importance and satisfaction to guide areas for attention and resource allocation.