Alpha-Divergences in Variational Dropout

We investigate the use of alternative divergences to Kullback-Leibler (KL) in variational inference(VI), based on the Variational Dropout \cite{kingma2015}. Stochastic gradient variational Bayes (SGVB) \cite{aevb} is a general framework for estimating the evidence lower bound (ELBO) in Variational Bayes. In this work, we extend the SGVB estimator with using Alpha-Divergences, which are alternative to divergences to VI' KL objective. The Gaussian dropout can be seen as a local reparametrization trick of the SGVB objective. We extend the Variational Dropout to use alpha divergences for variational inference. Our results compare $\alpha$-divergence variational dropout with standard variational dropout with correlated and uncorrelated weight noise. We show that the $\alpha$-divergence with $\alpha \rightarrow 1$ (or KL divergence) is still a good measure for use in variational inference, in spite of the efficient use of Alpha-divergences for Dropout VI \cite{Li17}. $\alpha \rightarrow 1$ can yield the lowest training error, and optimizes a good lower bound for the evidence lower bound (ELBO) among all values of the parameter $\alpha \in [0,\infty)$.

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