Message Interoperability in e-Logistics System
Existing B2B, B2C computer systems and applications that executed business trans-actions were the client- server based architecture which consists of heterogeneous hardware and software including personal computers and mainframes. Due to the active boom of electronic business, integration and compatibility of exchanged data, applications and hardwares have emerged as hot issue. This paper designs and implements a message transport system and a document transformation system in order to solve the interoperability problem of integrated logistics system in e-Business when doing electronic business. Message transport system integrated ebMS 2.0 which is standard business message exchange format of ebXML, the international standard electronic commerce framework, and JMS of J2EE enable to ensure reliable messaging. The document transformation system could convert non-standard XML documents into standard XML documents and provide the web services after integrating message system. Using suggested business scenario and various test data, our message oriented system preyed to be interoperable and stable. We participated ebXML messaging interoperability test organized by ebXML Asia Committee ITG in oder to evaluate and certify the suitability for message system.