The dome-shaped Fresnel-Köhler concentrator

Manufacturing tolerances, along with a high concentration ratio, are key issues in order to obtain cheap CPV systems for mass production. Consequently, this manuscript presents a novel tolerant and cost effective concentrator optic: the domed-shaped Fresnel-Kohler, presenting a curved Fresnel lens as Primary Optical Element (POE). This concentrator is based on two previous successful CPV designs: the FK concentrator, based on a flat Fresnel lens, and the dome-shaped Fresnel lens system developed by Daido Steel, resulting on a superior concentrator. The manuscript shows outstanding simulation results for geometrical concentration factor of Cg = 1,230x: high tolerance and high optical efficiency, achieving acceptance angles of 1.18° (dealing to a CAP*=0.72) and efficiencies over 85% (without any anti-reflective coating). Moreover, Kohler integration provides good irradiance uniformity on the cell surface without increasing system complexity by means of any extra element. Daido Steel advanced technique for d...