The Consultant's Guide for Marine Corps Equal Opportunity Advisors.

Abstract : Starting in 1993, the Marine Corps has developed a cadre of trained specialists known as Equal Opportunity Advisors (EOAs) to assist with implementing the service's equal opportunity program. The Consultant's Guide for Marine Corps Equal Opportunity Advisors (EOAs) was developed to facilitate Marines' effectiveness in their roles as advisors to senior leadership. Information included in the Guide was gleaned from interviews with Marine leaders and Marine Corps EOAs serving in commands around the world, along with subject-matter experts in the area of organizational consulting and change. The Consultant's Guide provides both a general framework for organizational change, and discusses how Marine Corps EOAs share the common challenges faced by organizational consultants and change agents. The Guide also describes how to plan, administer, and analyze a survey of equal opportunity climate and sexual harassment. The Consultant's Guide presents this in three modules: (1) framework for organizational change, (2) Marine Corps EOAs as organizational consultants, and (3) the Marine Corps Command Assessment System (MCCAS) consulting process. This Guide is intended for use by Marines attending EOA training at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), Patrick Air Force Base, FL, and as a resource book for Marines throughout the Corps.