Complexity and Ecosystem Management: The Theory and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems

Part I Methods and concepts: the transition from local to global dynamics - a proposed framework for agent based thinking in social-ecological systems, J. Marty Anderies changing the rules of the game - lessons from immunology and linguistics for self-organization of institutions, Marco a. Janssen futures, prediction and other foolishness, Roger Bradbury validation and verification of multi-agent systems, Steve M. Manson using artificial agents to understand laboratory experiments of common-pool resources with real agents, Wander Jager, Marco A. Janssen implications of spatial heterogeneity of grazing pressure on the resilience of rangelands, Marco A. Janssen, J. Marty Anderies, Mark Stafford Smith, Brian H. Walker. Part II Applications: adjustment costs of agri-environmental policy switchings - an agent-based analysis of the German region Hohenlohe, Alfons Balmann, Kathrin Happe, Konrad Kellermann, Anne Kleingarn agent based simulation of organic farming conversion in Allier Departement, Guillaume Deffuant, Sylvie Huet, Jean Paul Bousset, Jerome Henriot, George S. Amon, Gerard Weisbuch scientific measurements and villager's knowledge - an integrative multi-agent model form the semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe, Tim Lynam simulating land cover change in South-Central Indiana - an agent-based model of deforestation and afforestation, Matthew Hoffmann, Hugh Kelley, Tom Evans multi-agent systems and role games - collective learning processes for ecosystem management, Francois Bousquet, Olivier Barreteau, Patrick d'Aquino, Michel Etienne, Stanislas Boissau, Sigried Aubert, Christophe Le Page, Didier Babin, Jean-Christophe Castella institutional change for sustainable land use - a paarticipatory approach from Australia, Nick Abel, Art Langston, John Ive, Bill Tatnell, Mark Howden, Jacqui Stol.