Passive Submillimeter-wave Stand-off Video Camera for Security Applications

We present the concept and experimental set-up of a passive submillimeter-wave stand-off imaging system for security applications. Our ambition is the design of an application-ready and user-friendly camera providing high sensitivity and high spatial resolution at video frame rates. As an intermediate step towards this goal, the current prototype already achieves a frame rate of 10 frames per second and a spatial resolution below 2 cm at 8 m distance. The camera is the result of a continuous development and a unique concept that yielded first high-resolution passive submillimeter-wave images provided by cryogenic sensors in May et al. (2007). It is based on an array of 20 superconducting transition-edge sensors operated at a temperature of 450 mK, a closed-cycle cooling system, a Cassegrain-type optics with a 50 cm main mirror, and an opto-mechanical scanner. Its outstanding features are the scanning solution allowing for high frame rates and the compact and integrated system design.